Sunday, July 29, 2007

In Crisis? Need help? Maybe a hotline can help you...

Are you in crisis? Don’t have a therapist to call, or can’t reach him or her, and feeling alone and desperate? Afraid you might do something you will regret later?

There are MANY hotlines that you can call. I have to tell you, though – don’t expect miracles. I have tried some of these hotlines, and at best, they made me think before acting. Sometimes the person on the line isn’t oh-so educated on the right things to say. In fact, they may say all the wrong things.

But the key is while you are talking to them, you are staying alive and safe for just another minute, another hour. And sometimes that’s all you need – someone to help you make it to the next hour.

So, if you have a therapist – try to find them first. If you can’t find them, the hotlines will get you through until you can read your therapist.

And if you don’t have a therapist, please, please, please try to find someone to talk to. You do NOT have to heal from abuse alone. It’s too hard that way. I tried it for years, it doesn’t work. Healing is hard enough to do with someone. If you can’t afford a therapist, sometimes local support groups and resources for survivors of sexual abuse, where they can get free therapy or therapy at a very discounted rate. Call RAINN’s hotline for help finding local options.

Here are some support lines to call in times of crisis:

1-800 273-TALK
1-800-DONT-CUT (Self-harm hotline)
1-800-656-HOPE (RAINN’s hotline – they can help you find local rape or sexual abuse counseling options)

And a website that talks about suicide, and crisis lines, what to expect when you call, and so on.

[Note that Stop It Now!’s hotline 1-888-PREVENT is not a crisis line, but a confidential hotline for those concerned about a child, concerned about an adult who they think may be at risk for abusing a child sexually, or for those worried about disturbing thoughts regarding hurting a child themselves. You can read more about Stop It Now!’s hotline here:]

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Just checking in, letting you know I'm still here rooting for you!