Sunday, July 29, 2007

I'm Getting Stronger...

Another inspirational song for you… [video will be posted next]

I *love* this song...

To appreciate this, you need to know...
Last year, I came close to killing myself – seriously – several times.
Last year, I used to cause physical harm to myself *almost* every day.
Last year, I had no hope. I didn’t want to live.
Last year, I starved myself so badly that I ended up in a hospital.
Last year, I didn’t think I’d make it to this year…

My wonderful, wonderful therapist kept believing in me. She stayed with me through every *(*&ing moment. She told me over and over that it may be terrible now, but to trust her – it would get better. I did not believe her.

This year, I almost never think of suicide. When I do, it’s a fleeting thought.
I’d never do it now.

I eat right now. I may want to starve myself sometimes, but I don’t.

I rarely hurt myself.

I have hope. I do want to live.

And I expect to make it to next year, and the next year.

I know I’m hurting, and I don’t expect the pain to go away tomorrow. But it *is* getting better. I’m getting stronger.


I'll make it through the rainy days
I'll be the one who stands here longer than the rest
When my landscape changes, rearranges
I'll be stronger than I've ever been
No more stillness,more sunlight,
Everything's gonna be allright

I know that there's gonna be a change
Better find your way out of your fear
If you wanna come with me
Then that's the way it's gotta be
I'm all alone and finally
I'm getting stronger
You'll come to see just what I can be
I'm getting stronger

Sometimes I feel so down and out
Like emotion that's been captured in a maze
I had my ups and downs
Trials and tribulations,
I overcome it day by day,
Feeling good and almost powerful
A new me, that's what I'm looking for


I didn't know what I had to do
I just knew I was alone
People around me
But they didn't care
So i searched into my soul
I'm not that type of girl that will let them see her cry
It's not my style
I'll get by
See I'm gonna do this for me

[Thank you Chris and Rachel!! You guys are the BEST! :-) And yes, doing this with kids isn't easy... but I'm chuggin' along for now.]


Unknown said...

*momentarily speechless*

I should have been reading this from the beginning. I'll admit I was scared to see what was here.

You've come so far, and it is so very hard (I know, truly I do.) You are an inspiration.

Sarah R L Boese

Fiction, Poetry amd Literary Mumbo Jumbo
Blogging for Planned Parenthood

Sponsor Me?

Heather said...

We have A LOT in common. We should talk sometime.

Unknown said...

My best friend found this and sent it to me.
I dont know how you did this, but i do know i want to be able to do this.
You are now my inspiration.
I didnt think i could really do this, especially being in the military and in a different country from everybody who i love. I still dont know if i can.
but this makes me wat to try harder.

thank you.