Sunday, July 29, 2007

Hello, everyone,
I'm posting this from the waiting room/hallway of my doctor. He is late, and so... I guess I'll just have to sit here and wait.I don't normally mind waiting, but I really, really, really don't want to go to this doctor today. I want to gooo hoooome. And so, waiting is not exactly something I'm enjoying right now. I want to get it over -- NOW!
Oh well. Hope you're all blogathon'ing away!

PS. Ack, my wireless didnt work inside the office, so I have to sit outside in the 90 degree heat. arg, arg, arg. well... hopefully I'll be done waiting, and then DONE soon.

Dear, dear monitor, if I'm 10 or 15 minutes lates on my next check in, will you forgive me? I'll try my best not to be late!

1 comment:

Dayngr said...

How ya holding up??