Sunday, July 29, 2007

Believe it or not, I'm *still* crying... and I'm really not that sensitive. I'm sensitive, of course, but... you know.

Let's put it this way, I brought my husband with me, and he wanted to punch the guy. This is my THIRD gyn doctor I've tried. THIRD!!!

(I'm really off-topic, aren't I?)

First, we walk into his office. He doesn't say hello, how are you, who are you, give me your insurance card, nothing. He is TOTALLY SILENT.

So... I start saying why we're there, which was so weird.. "Umm, I'm here for a yearly exam and to talk about getting pregnant."

He asks me if I have my tests from America (I live in Israel). I say, no. He says, with REAL attitude, and really nasty, "WELL, that's not good. Why not?"

I almost started to cry *right* then. I told him, I don't know, I just don't have them. (Mind you, these tests were done three years ago. Why in the world do you need those tests?!) He says, "Well, you can just call up your doctor and have them faxed!"

Umm... yes.

Why can't he just say it politely??

Then, he asks me what kind of birth control we've used over the past year. We tell him. Then, he says 10 minutes later, RIGHT before the exam, "You know, there are problems with that kind of birth control."

I told him, yes, I know, but we have permission from a Rabbi.

But even if we DIDn't, he is the doctor -- NOT MY RABBI.

I could tell you more... But the man who could not say hello sure had a lot to say, didn't he. :(

I asked him what I do if I get pregnant here, since I've never done this in Israel yet (and I miscarry often). He told me, as a joke, "You give birth." I said, "Yes, very funny, I mean seriously, do I need blood tests, what?" He told me, you take vitamins, you pray, and you come for regular appointments. OK.... I said, so, at 3 months? He said, no no, at 9 weeks.

Couldn't he have said that when I asked in the first place?

Time for yet a NEW doctor. I do not go to doctors who tell me to pray, make jokes about a topic that is REALLY sensitive to me (I've miscarried several times, it's not funny what he said), nor people who feel the need to be my rabbi.

Sorry for venting... :(

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